Lymphedema Surgery Clinic in Japan

We start lymphedema surgery clinic in japan, Mominoki Day Surgery Clinic.

International patients can visit this clinic  to take LVA surgery without hesitation.

[Contact to Makoto Mihara & Hisako Hara]

[Medical Coordinator]  

Emergency Assistance Japan co.


TEL;  +81-3-3811-8600

(English,  Japanese), 






 * Calls from within China 



Email;  Inquiry (English)


Upper Limb Lymphedema

Lower Limb Lymphedema

Doctors / Dr. Makoto Mihara (Male)


Mr. Makoto Mihara (M.D.)


Clinical Expertise


Low-invasive Lymphatic Surgery, Reconstructive Surgery,




Education:  Fukuoka University, Fukuoka, Japan


Main Residency: The University of Tokyo (Prof. Isao Koshima


Board Certifications: Plastic and Reconstructive Surger


Over 1000 Lymphatic Suregry cases, Especially Lymphatic Venous Anastomosis 

Complications;We have no Severe complication in 10 years. 

The rate of Minor Compilication (Infection and Wound Disruption etc.) is less than 0.1% in 5 years.

PB Lymphological Award 2018

We won "PB Lymphological Award 2018" in Europe Society of Lymphology.

Doctors / Dr. Hisako Hara (Female)


Ms. Hisako Hara (M.D.)


Clinical Expertise


Low-invasive Lymphatic Surgery, Reconstructive Surgery,




Education:  Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan


Main Residency: The University of Tokyo (Prof. Isao Koshima


Board Certifications: Plastic and Reconstructive Surger


Over 800 Lymphatic Suregry cases, Especially Lymphatic Venous Anastomosis 



Lymphedema (Face, Limb, Genital ), Lymphorrehea


Complications;We have no Severe complication in 10 years. 

The rate of Minor Compilication (Infection and Wound Disruption etc.) is less than 0.1% in 5 years.


Super Lymphedema Therapyst School / Japan

We have 'Super Lymphedema Therapist School / Japan' to share new findigs and technique.

Please visit us!!

Our treatment options

You can selet your treatment.

We have some options as blow. We suggest the combination of lymphatic surgery and conservative treatment. You can get the best result (Pubmed).


1. Conservative treatment

2. Lymphatic Venous Anastomosis.

3. Lymph node transfer

4. Liposuction

5. Stem cell (under investigation)

Prevention of Cellulitis


[Lymphedema-associated Cellulitis]


Lymphedema-associated cellulitis is said to occur in 30% of the lymphedema patients, and its presentation differs from other cellulitis cases in which it progresses significantly faster than that of non-lymphedema cellulitis. Lymphedema patients presenting immune dysfunction would often experience a sudden onset of redness in the edematous area followed by a high fever close to 40 within hours from initial onset, occasionally leading to septic shock.  Moreover, patients with recurrent cellulitis often are forced to quit their jobs due to frequent absence, and are unable to participate in sports or travel as it might exacerbate their condition, consequently lowering their quality of life. Since conservational treatments are contraindicated for patients with active cellulitis, their condition will continue to deteriorate.


-New Treatment-

Success Rate;  92%

(Treatment Outcome)


We discovered that lymphatic-venous anastomosis has a positive effect in preventing the occurrence of lymphedema-associated cellulitis. This result is not only limited to a few cases but is supported by medical evidence after analyzing a total of 95 lymphedema cases (Mihara, Hara et al. British Journal of Surgery, 2014) including 11 cases of upper limb and 84 cases of lower limb lymphedema. These studies revealed that the average annual frequency of cellulitis decreased from 1.46 to 0.18 after the LVA procedure was applied. Since the conventional treatment for lymphedema-associated cellulitis was physiotherapy and prolonged administration of antibiotics over a course of few years, this innovative discovery may sled a new light to the patients suffering from cellulitis. Although the frequency of cellulitis tend to increase as the edema exacerbates, LVA is useful in preventing cellulitis even in severe cases of lymphedema if there is some lymphatic function left in the area. For cases classified as Stage 3 (elephantiasis) in the International Society of Lymphology (ISL) Classification, the average annual frequency of cellulitis decreased from 4 to 0.62 post-operatively.  [Our Scientific Paper]


Sicnentific Data -over 1000 LVA cases-

We perform 291 LVA cases in 2017.

290 LVA (99.6%) can be done under local anesthesia.

Major Compication;  0%

Minor Complication; 0.1%

■Treatment of Lymphedema associated Pain

Success Rate; 94.3%

LVA can reduce lymphedema associated Pain.

We reported New paper (Pubmed).

Japanese High Quality Equipment

We use Super-Microsurgery instruments made in Japan.

These are very fine tools for surgery (Pubmed).